Friday, May 9, 2014

Hate the Sin but love the Sinner

Hello, Children of God!!!
I have so much to say!! I have great news! I finished school for the year. I'm happy to say I finished with a Honor Roll!!! Which means I have a lot more free time to blog for you!! I also have to ask for forgiveness. I was ignoring my calling. Every day I would ignore my blog. I'm guilty for that. I would say things like ...I will do it tomorrow... And once again, when tomorrow came, I would say the same thing. Placing my calling and the word of God second was a huge mistake as God should ALWAYS have priority in my daily life. I ask for forgiveness. From now on, with God's help, I will be keeping my word. Making Him my priority.

I wish to talk a little about my awesome Easter Weekend!
My Easter weekend was a great! Full of smiles,laughter and joy. As I get older the more I realize how much Jesus endured for all us. God loves you so much and I want you to remember that. He loves you so much he sent his one and only son to die on the cross for us. My Easter morning started by waking up at 4 am to go to a friends house. (An amazing Christain family) to watch the sunrise. After, we sang and worshiped my Lord and Savior. After worshipping, my friend made to die for pancakes. Awww man I'm hungry again just thinking about it! After my second serving, her daughter came downstairs with that beautiful smile on her face. We chatted over several topics like movies,books and music (she makes me happy on so many levels.) Then everyone got ready and went to church. I just love to sing and worship so much! It's always my favorite part! Not to mention that her daughter sings on the worship team and she sings like a angel! She's gifted with such a beautiful voice. My mouth drops every time I hear her sing. Frankly, to be completely honest I envy her beautiful voice,her heart and everything. Then, I realize that it's a sin. God made me perfect in every way too and I should be proud to be the one and only Jade. People can have my name,look like me but I'm not a article of clothing. I'm a snowflake perfectly crafted by God and YOU are too!  You are beautiful and perfectly made by God. You are gifted in many special ways, you just need to read His word, pray, and use that special gift to do God's work. Use your gifts and put it to good use. 
After church was over, I sinned once again as I see the girl I despise. She didn't do anything ...she was just talking with someone. Why do I despise her? Well, a while back she was doing things to me that would just fuel rage inside me and that I could never forgive. Yes, I'm holding a grudge! Hate the Sin but love the Sinner! Why is it so hard to do at times???Oh God! Please help me, stay with me, and at that moment I realized that I was wrong! I started thinking about my King, how Jesus forgave those people who BETRAYED, HUMILIATEDBEATED and KILLED HIM... I thought I had it hard but from that moment on, I forgave her and I moved on. It took so much weight off my shoulders. The moral is it's not easy living a sin free life but with the help of God it will make it easier. You must trust Him and believe that you're never alone. Remember he hates the sin NOT the sinner. And yes, I should do the same.
Until next time,

"Where my feet may fail, I will call upon your Name... " from One of my favorite song from Hillsong United, called Ocean. You sure need to look it up, awesome song, with powerful lyrics.

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