Sunday, June 8, 2014

Prayer is Power

Hello Children of God!
I'm sorry that I haven't been writing latley. I got so caught up in the world around me and it's countless meaningless distractions that I forgot about my mission to spread the Gospel. I'm disappointed in myself. I've been so busy in my little bubble that I forgot to make a difference in others. I'm sincerely sorry. God, please forgive me.
At first my excuse was well I'm super busy. Then, I soon realized it was just an excuse to get out of my calling and the work I had to put in. By doing so, I opened the door to the enemy, gave him a opportunity to slide right in. Let's be honest here...There's no such thing as being too busy for God!!! I feel like the enemy uses our own circumstances and emotions to lead us into temptation. Regardless of what it is, either it's being busy, angry, fearfull or just plain laziness! He will use it to hold you back. The list could go on and on but how do we fight back? Plain and simple, "Pray".
 Yes, really! No kidding, prayer is power. It's how you connect with God, your father in heaven. It's your direct line of communication. No one can destroy it. Don't waste second. God has been waiting very patiently to talk to you. To connect with you. Open your heart to him. He adores you. He will hold your hand when your are afraid. He will comfort you when you're in pain. He will give you strength and courage when you need it the the most. He will forgive when you repent. He will restore you, and make you brand new!!!!!
 I hope you guys have a blessed week! Also, If you need prayers please write below your prayer request.  Love you all! Until next time,

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